Major changes between NS-21-012 and NS-24-030

This is not a comprehensive list of changes and will not substitute for carefully reading the NOFO prior to applying.


  • The NIH Blueprint and BRAIN Initiative will contribute up to $60,000 in the first year toward the salary of the career award recipient. This will be increased to $63,300 for the second year, to $66,600 for the third year, and to $69,900 for a fourth year.

Sponsor(s), Collaborator(s), and Consultant(s)

  • The plan should include the standards and expectations for productivity in the sponsor(s) lab. When relevant, sponsors are encouraged to address how they will provide support to address factors that affected past productivity of the fellow.
  • The sponsor should also describe the roles and responsibilities that both they and the fellow are undertaking, including contributions to the research plan, the portion of the research ideas and plan that originated with the candidate, and the relationship between the proposed research plan and funded or unfunded research projects previously devised by the sponsor. The research must be sufficiently distinct from the sponsor’s funded research.

Transition to the Postdoctoral Career Development K00 Phase

  • Instructions have been expanded and clarified, with required forms specifically named.
  • Describe the collaborative process between the candidate and mentor/co‐mentor in the development, review, and editing of the research strategy.
  • NIH application instructions related to rigor and transparency must be followed, ( along with additional guidance from NINDS (
  • Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact their Program Official as soon as a plan to assume a postdoctoral position develops, and not later than 3 months prior to the anticipated submission date of the K00 award… The K00 postdoctoral phase institution must submit the materials on behalf of the candidate for the K00 award, no later than 4 months prior to the proposed start date of the K00 award.